Merry Christmas to everybody and especially the left-behinds in Germany in cold rain, grey skies and no snow.
Sunshine, 30 degrees Celsius and time for flipflops and bare toes here!
Santa was very good to me and brought the D810. Not that I need it... very happy nevertheless. And no one can be blamed for bad pictures now - except me!
..although unfortunately, at the moment it looks like no pictures here at all :(:(. wifi is so slow, that I have so far been unsuccessful to upload any picture. The planned Burma travelogue will have to wait...
Bits and pieces from a photographer cum biologist cum gardener cum musician cum horse breeder
Wednesday, 24 December 2014
Friday, 19 December 2014

Tuesday, 16 December 2014
Shopping shopping ggrrrrrr....
Please excuse if I am a bit diverted at the moment, I have some serious shopping to do ...
Christmas shopping
So if you end up like this:
Go home, have a rest: and a tea!
Christmas shopping
So if you end up like this:
Monday, 15 December 2014
Foods' Games
"Don't play around with food, think of the poor children in India, who would love to have your food", my mother used to say. That must have been in the 1960s and 70s, and still there are too many hungry or malnourished children on this earth. Rest assured, all the food stuffs in these pictures were eaten - except the thing in the wine glass. It is a visualization of a memorable wine tasting we had a long time ago with a very expensive Chateauneuf-du-Pape. As a horse woman I found that scent very familiar if slightly out of place.
Foods' Games
Some of the pictures were shown in an exhibition "Aus Küche und Keller" in 2013 in Bad Homburg's Volkshochschule.
Foods' Games
Some of the pictures were shown in an exhibition "Aus Küche und Keller" in 2013 in Bad Homburg's Volkshochschule.
Saturday, 13 December 2014

Unfortunately, married women are not supposed to dance with anyone else who is any good at it - unless they don't mind ugly scenes and marriage counselling. Luckily, my oldest son is a good dancer. And we can take pictures of dancers and dream up as many imaginary dances as we want. Enjoy!
Friday, 12 December 2014
Paul Gerhardt
As I grew up as a reverend's daughter I had to visit church on Sundays regularly during childhood. Although I liked my father's sermons, I went for the music. My favourite composer of church music is Paul Gerhardt (1607-1676), who has written many Lieder of the Evangelische Gesangbuch, our main book of church music. "Geh aus mein Herz und suche Freud" is my favourite.
(Go forth, my heart, and seek delight.. a full free rough translation can be found here:
My Favourite ...
It has many stanzas but the one for gardeners is especially uplifting:

Die Bäume stehen voller Laub,
das Erdreich decket seinen Staub
mit einem grünen Kleide.
Narzissus und die Tulipan,
die ziehen sich viel schöner an
als Salomonis Seide.
(... this reminds me, that I should produce a "tree"-Series ... working on it)
And for musicians the following stanza applies:

des großen Gottes großes Tun
erweckt mir alle Sinnen;
ich singe mit, wenn alles singt,
und lasse, was dem Höchsten klingt,
aus meinem Herzen rinnen.
But what on earth could he have meant with this? The "Lustgeschrei" must have meant something different in the 17th century...
Die Bächlein rauschen in dem Sand
und malen sich an ihrem Rand
mit schattenreichen Myrten;
die Wiesen liegen hart dabei
und klingen ganz vom Lustgeschrei
der Schaf und ihrer Hirten.
By the way: Paul Gerhardt worked as deacon in the Nikolaikirche, Berlin for a while, now a museum.
Wednesday, 10 December 2014
Berlin ist immer eine Reise wert ...

Sunday, 7 December 2014
Ever since I saw the first Edward Hopper painting some 35 years ago and bought a print of "Lighthouse at two lights" I have been collecting lighthouses in my photographs. Whatever the deeper meaning, having a lighthouse braving every storm and shining a light from the distance is always helpful on your way. Lighthouses
Saturday, 6 December 2014
Upstairs Downstairs

Upstairs Downstairs
Thursday, 4 December 2014
Cupid & Psyche
I have a faible for Antonio Canova, the Venetian sculptor (1757-1822) and his neoclassical marble works. My love affair started with a sculpture of a perfect couple (Cupid and Psyche) that I found in the Eremitage in St Petersburg, where she gives him her heart, puts her heart in his hands - or so I thought. When I met them again in Frankfurt's Staedel, where the miraculous Max Hollein had arranged a loan, I saw that she is actually giving him a butterfly, but never mind. Maybe she is of a flighty disposition.
From there I have searched for more Canovas and especially Cupid and Psyches and found them everywhere, in all centuries from 400 BC to now, in sculpture, paintings, household items, in London, Edinburgh, New York, Frankfurt, Paris ... . My favourite sculpture is the one in the Louvre. I am not alone in this - this beautiful piece of art is always surrounded by hordes of tourists so I was glad I could take this picture. Cupid & Psyche
Wednesday, 3 December 2014
My favourite .... Ohrwürmer

My Favourites ...
Some of these pictures have been used commercially. "For your eyes only" was on the front page of a music festival programme in Northern Germany.
Tuesday, 2 December 2014
"Riding Couple"

Still - it is my favourite picture and I imagine a perfect world, where all the white birches wave their lofty branches and yellow leaves and make way to let the couple pass unharmed.
Kandinsky : Reitendes Paar
Monday, 1 December 2014
Franzi (Photo essay)
It is always amazing to watch the veterinarian enter the liquid from a test tube into the back of a mare, wait for eleven months and be presented with a wonderful lively complete and friendly filly. This is the story of Franzi's coming into existence until her first birthday in May 2014.
Kilara - my mare (father: Kolibri, show jumper) - and Chic - my dressage horse, a gelding. Both have been very close friends for a long time.
For Edition, the stallion chosen as father for Kilara's foal.
Chic and Kilara: even with a gelding one can have some fun
Kilara at ten and a half months, nine days before delivery.
Franzi is just born! The embryonic membrane is still on her face, over her ears and eyes. The nose is free.
The Scene: We had built a provisional extra large foaling box because this was the first foal to be born in our stable. Chic was "next door" to give support; I slept in the stable for three nights, so that I could call the doctor in case of an emergency. Everything went perfectly fine and according to book. Here Kilara gets up after the birth and Franzi makes first efforts.
Kilara licks her daughter dry and eats the embryonic membrane - the only "meat" the vegetarian horses naturally eat. Chic's behaviour was amazing and exemplary. He was quiet and watchful throughout the birth but gave dark low supportive whinnies when Kilara nudged her daughter to get up and tried to direct her to find the udder.

After a few efforts and crashes Franzi is up!
First day in safe surroundings in the riding hall. Franzi is training her legs, Kilara is busy following her and watching over her as any new mother would. You see her front legs here a bit X-shaped. Franzi was born 10 days early, her ligaments and joints were a bit too weak, so she had to rest a lot and was not allowed out of the box for more than a couple of hours per day as not to overexert her legs and to allow them to grow firm and straight.
We observed some amazing behaviour in educating her daughter: the first days she had been running after her filly who explored her surroundings without restraint. On the fourth day Kilara took her daughter around the riding hall on the hoofbeat seemingly remembering her own schooling. She went around and around in walk, trot and canter, changing speed occasionally and took care that Franzi followed her on the spot.
After four days indoors her first day out on the paddock - legs too long to graze!
Kilara continued to be an attentive mother on the paddock with other horses. One day she did not allow her daughter to play with her friend but was biting her away. We were concerned and did not understand this behaviour, until we saw that the other foal had a festering eye infection and a runny nose. Maybe she wanted to avoid contagion?
She is always spirited and energetic trying to entice her companions to play.

Healthy young lady with completely fine and straight legs!
Kilara - my mare (father: Kolibri, show jumper) - and Chic - my dressage horse, a gelding. Both have been very close friends for a long time.
For Edition, the stallion chosen as father for Kilara's foal.
Chic and Kilara: even with a gelding one can have some fun
Kilara at ten and a half months, nine days before delivery.
Franzi is just born! The embryonic membrane is still on her face, over her ears and eyes. The nose is free.
The Scene: We had built a provisional extra large foaling box because this was the first foal to be born in our stable. Chic was "next door" to give support; I slept in the stable for three nights, so that I could call the doctor in case of an emergency. Everything went perfectly fine and according to book. Here Kilara gets up after the birth and Franzi makes first efforts.
Kilara licks her daughter dry and eats the embryonic membrane - the only "meat" the vegetarian horses naturally eat. Chic's behaviour was amazing and exemplary. He was quiet and watchful throughout the birth but gave dark low supportive whinnies when Kilara nudged her daughter to get up and tried to direct her to find the udder.

After a few efforts and crashes Franzi is up!
We observed some amazing behaviour in educating her daughter: the first days she had been running after her filly who explored her surroundings without restraint. On the fourth day Kilara took her daughter around the riding hall on the hoofbeat seemingly remembering her own schooling. She went around and around in walk, trot and canter, changing speed occasionally and took care that Franzi followed her on the spot.
After four days indoors her first day out on the paddock - legs too long to graze!
Kilara continued to be an attentive mother on the paddock with other horses. One day she did not allow her daughter to play with her friend but was biting her away. We were concerned and did not understand this behaviour, until we saw that the other foal had a festering eye infection and a runny nose. Maybe she wanted to avoid contagion?
She is always spirited and energetic trying to entice her companions to play.

Healthy young lady with completely fine and straight legs!
Sunday, 30 November 2014
Mohn and its relatives

My favourite Mohn plant is Romneya coulteri, the Californian tree poppy, with huge white fluttery petals, and an egg yolk like center. A good example is growing in Regents Park, London, quite close to the entrance close to Regents College. In Germany they are terribly difficult to propagate and grow, I have had one in my previous garden on a southwest-facing completely dry wall in deep gravel with controlled watering. It grew well and flowered, but I could not take it with me; they don't like to be moved.
I have also grown the blue poppy from the Himalayas (Meconopsis spec.), that thrives so well in Scotland. In Germany most summers are too hot, they prefer a constant cool climate with light shade. Unfortunately, I am not the only one who likes them - the slugs in my garden seek them out as soon as leaves appear in spring so you have to be vigilant every single day to protect the defenseless little leaves as they appear.
Meconopsis cambrica (Welsh poppy) is an easy-going pretty plant that seeds freely and seeks out its own places where it will thrive. It lightens up any border or dark area beneath rhododendrons with its bright yellow and orange short-lived petals and grey-green dissected leaves.
Most Papaver are of therapeutic value - alkaloids in the milky substance of near ripe seed pods and stems are used for narcotics, while the seeds themselves, which contain very little opiates, are used for baking and cooking. Papaver somniferum, the "sleep-carrying" opium poppy, will send you dreaming .... Mohn and its relatives
Saturday, 29 November 2014
Flowers and Plants in Still and Not-So-Still Life
A series of flower images with a variety of techniques: Macros, double image overlay, controlled camera shaking, long exposures or multiple exposures with and without flash. I always try to give plants a "life" and some movement to avoid showing them as boring and static beautiful statues.
Plant life
My garden is in constant change, through the year, through wind and rain, as are the plants. They grow, fruit and seed in response to their changing environment and although they have their roots down in the ground, they communicate with neighbouring plants even over long distances and send their messages through wind and soil with substances like aetheric oils and other secondary metabolites.
Plant life
My garden is in constant change, through the year, through wind and rain, as are the plants. They grow, fruit and seed in response to their changing environment and although they have their roots down in the ground, they communicate with neighbouring plants even over long distances and send their messages through wind and soil with substances like aetheric oils and other secondary metabolites.
Friday, 28 November 2014
A Room with a View
Windows - "Das Fenster im Blick" is next year's theme for the Fotoclub exhibition in Volkshochschule Bad Homburg. Windows, open or closed, with or without a view, and other less obvious samples.
Thursday, 27 November 2014
Me Myself I
I created this series when I came across the book "self-portrait photography" by Miss Aniela (, a young British-Polish woman (meanwhile commercial fine arts photographer) who creates beautiful dreamlike scenes with herself as a model. I liked the idea to try this out and it also helped me learn Photoshop. Photoshop Elements has a photomerge feature which allows you to do these kinds of composings from multiple photos with ease.
Me Myself I
Me Myself I
Wednesday, 26 November 2014
Colours of Music
Kulturzentrum Englische Kirche, Bad Homburg, presents an exhibition "Fotografie aus Leidenschaft" from Nov 19 to Dec 14, 2014.
Four of my images from the "Klangfarben" Series are included (Klangfarben). Three pictures were made using in-camera image-overlay technique and colouring with U-points in Capture NX2 afterwards. "Joy of Music" was made by zooming during a long exposure at a concert and again adding artificial colour in Capture NX2 afterwards. Prints were made on Kodak metallic paper.
Four of my images from the "Klangfarben" Series are included (Klangfarben). Three pictures were made using in-camera image-overlay technique and colouring with U-points in Capture NX2 afterwards. "Joy of Music" was made by zooming during a long exposure at a concert and again adding artificial colour in Capture NX2 afterwards. Prints were made on Kodak metallic paper.
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I am setting up this blog to give some background information on my photographic projects at
I am setting up this blog to give some background information on my photographic projects at
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