As I grew up as a reverend's daughter I had to visit church on Sundays regularly during childhood. Although I liked my father's sermons, I went for the music. My favourite composer of church music is Paul Gerhardt (1607-1676), who has written many Lieder of the Evangelische Gesangbuch, our main book of church music. "Geh aus mein Herz und suche Freud" is my favourite.
(Go forth, my heart, and seek delight.. a full free rough translation can be found here:
My Favourite ...
It has many stanzas but the one for gardeners is especially uplifting:

Die Bäume stehen voller Laub,
das Erdreich decket seinen Staub
mit einem grünen Kleide.
Narzissus und die Tulipan,
die ziehen sich viel schöner an
als Salomonis Seide.
(... this reminds me, that I should produce a "tree"-Series ... working on it)
And for musicians the following stanza applies:

des großen Gottes großes Tun
erweckt mir alle Sinnen;
ich singe mit, wenn alles singt,
und lasse, was dem Höchsten klingt,
aus meinem Herzen rinnen.
But what on earth could he have meant with this? The "Lustgeschrei" must have meant something different in the 17th century...
Die Bächlein rauschen in dem Sand
und malen sich an ihrem Rand
mit schattenreichen Myrten;
die Wiesen liegen hart dabei
und klingen ganz vom Lustgeschrei
der Schaf und ihrer Hirten.
By the way: Paul Gerhardt worked as deacon in the Nikolaikirche, Berlin for a while, now a museum.
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