What are these? Pictures of a railway line? Couldn't I do anything better than shooting pictures through dirty train windows?
I like travelling by train. I get to see the colourful, lively and disorderly backside of cities which usually (in Frankfurt or New York e.g.) gives a nice contrast to the gleaming pretentious forefronts of skyscrapers with glass facades etc. In the end, behind all the facades are erring humans and I prefer chaos to order anyway.
In India - except for Lutyens New Delhi - I have the impression, that all streets only consist of back sides.
On this train ride to Agra, I put the shutter speed on 1/1000 sec, shot happily through the window and produced my own little series of "Sibylle's Tuesday morning street views".

Can you see the little dots in the picture above? These are humans, males, squatting down in the open countryside with bared buttocks. Apparently up to 600 Mio. Indians don't have access to a toilet and resort to what is called "open defecation". Apart from the hygienic question, many tourists travel this route from Delhi to Agra on this train - is this really, what they want their visitors to see, to take home from India?
Waste is similarly carelessly thrown out in the open - roaming cows and pigs eat the organic stuff, but plastic waste decorates many open spaces.
this branch of the Yamuna is so heavily polluted that I preferred to turn the picture into black&white
producing heating material from cow dung
incremental improvement; and who needs doors anyway?
But tell me: Where do the women go?
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