Wednesday 9 September 2015

Apulian stories - Lizards and other visitors

Apulian fields are full of lime stone rocks and gravel. To be able to plough their fields, farmers have been collecting thoses stones for centuries and have built dry stone walls on the borders between fields. Our house was fenced by such a wall, too. They are an ideal living space for lizards and I have seen plenty. Here is a selection.

on an olive tree

a very long tail .... still the original

here with a regrown tail - they grow without the original colour and dots

This poor guy took an involuntary swim in the pool and could not get out. After his rescue he was so cold, he could not move for several minutes and had to pose for some portraits.

This lizard was hiding under a rosemary bush. 

He saw me but was less scared than others and waited half hidden watching me. I crouched low with my macro lens and waited patiently. After a while he decided I was no cat and posed no danger. His curiosity won over. He slowly slowly emerged from his hiding place,

 and slowly slowly moved closer to have a look at me and inspect the lens! Courageous ! 

Other visitors to our house were beautiful red and blue dragon flies: 

I had the ambition to capture one in flight, but they are so fast and small, and their flight manouvers  are so erratic, that the autofocus had a hard time. 

a grasshopper

and a much slower visitor.

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