Thursday 11 August 2016

Excursions from Berlin : Im Spreewald

The plan for our summer vacation this year was to get to know the countryside around Berlin. We decided to start with exploring the "Spreewald". Spreewaldgurken (gherkins) are well-known even in the old west ever since the hilarious and bitter-sweet film "Good-bye Lenin", when Daniel Brühl tries to find these special gherkins from GDR times for his mother, who slept through the fall of the Berlin wall.

Spreewald is a large area of very little elevation which causes the river Spree to divert into many smaller rivulets and build a inland delta and freshwater swamp. The area is under protection, rare birds and plants find a habitat here. 

a rare kingfisher (Eisvogel - Alcedo atthis) 

We started in the village Burg and rented a canoe. My husband promised to take over the rowing and I sat in front with my cameras. Floating on the many small branches called "fliesses" is a magical experience. The air is still save for the occasional birds' calls above our heads warning of us intruders, light is filtered through the leaves and has a green tinge,  high trees, mostly swamp loving alder trees, line the banks and reflect in the still waters.

Blauflügel- Prachtlibelle (Calopteryx virgo - beautiful demoiselle)

an artistic impression of the dancing dragonflies:

.. and of the yellow Mummel or Teichrose (Nuphar lutea) 

not so rare but from a different perspective ...

these villages are serviced from the water only

with an infrared filter 

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